About MLS

Mashabane Liebenberg Sebola Incorporated with registration number 1979/000373/21, was registered on 31 January 1979 and previously traded under the names and styles of inter alia Sutherland & Van Der Westhuizen, Sutherland Van Der Westhuizen Van Tonder, Thys Sutherland Inc. and since 2009, as Sutherland & Liebenberg Inc. and subsequently Mashabane Liebenberg Crouse. After Phillip Sebola joined the firm in 2017, its name has changed to Mashabane Liebenberg Sebola.

The company has been trading  for almost 40 years and has a rich history of service excellence, trading in Johannesburg and then becoming one of the leading law firms in Randburg under the guidance and direction of its founder, Matthys Pretorius Van As Sutherland, who was also Mayor of Randburg in the “old days.”

“We cannot expect people to have respect for law and order until we teach respect to those we have entrusted to enforce those laws.”

hunter s. thompson

Theunis Liebenberg


Paresh Pursooth


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